Sunday, December 27, 2009

OK. The New Year is coming!! Now what?

Sure wish I were here today. Aruba must be gorgeous, and what a change from the cold, grey, rainy, sometimes sunny South Carolina days.

The year's almost over. Unbelievable. I find that the older I get the faster the years pass; not liking this. But I think the alternative probably isn't a great thing either! But I have some wishes for the coming year that I hope will come true: financial recovery, moving home to California, accepting that life has to change, learning more about everything in the world that helps us understand ourselves and life in general, and of course, pain relief! Not to whine, but I'm sick of the fibromyalgia pain; wish I could have a more normal life this coming year.

Do you think about these things, too? What would you like to change in 2010?

Off to consider more ...